About the Artwork 1521031723120 15

Urara Tsuchiya

Urara Tsuchiya is a multimedia artist born in Japan and based in Glasgow. Her works encompass various mediums including ceramics, performances, and videos. Tsuchiya is renowned for her hand-painted ceramics with explicit motifs, which explore the space between surrealism and the ordinary, as well as humor and strangeness.

In her art, Tsuchiya plays with boundaries between different concepts, such as animal/human and adult/baby, to create unusual and humorous effects. She employs costumes, poetry, and home cooking as props to construct alternative environments and forms of behavior while pushing the viewer to navigate their own physical and personal boundaries.

Tsuchiya holds an MFA from Glasgow School of Art and has studied Fine Art at Goldsmiths University in London. Her works have been displayed at notable exhibitions such as Frieze London (UK), Glasgow International (UK), Trade Gallery (UK), and Union Pacific (UK). She is set to showcase upcoming exhibitions at Ada Projects (IT) and a group show at Vestfossen Kunstlaboratorium (NO).

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