About the Artwork Fd95e7a41c21680dc92c94ae25a2f2d2

Troy Brauntuch

Troy Brauntuch is an American artist known for his work in painting, drawing, and printmaking. He was born in Jersey City, New Jersey, in 1954, and studied at the University of Houston, where he received his BFA in 1976 and his MFA in 1978.

Brauntuch is associated with the Pictures Generation, a group of artists in the 1970s and 1980s who were interested in the ways that images are created and circulated in culture. His work often involves the appropriation of images from various sources, such as photographs and advertisements, which he then manipulates and recontextualizes in his own artwork. He is known for his use of muted colors and stark, graphic forms, which give his work a sense of simplicity and restraint.

Throughout his career, Brauntuch has exhibited his work extensively in the United States and abroad. His work is held in the collections of many major museums, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Art Institute of Chicago, and the Tate Gallery in London.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1954

  • Country:

    United States of America, Jersey City

  • Gallery:

    Mai 36 Galerie