About the Artwork Nathan Carter
© Photo by Andrea Rossetti

Nathan Carter

Nathan Carter is an accomplished artist known for his talent in crafting captivating fictional worlds through his art. His artistic journey commenced with his education at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, and he later pursued a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) degree at the Yale University School of Art. These formative educational experiences played a pivotal role in shaping his artistic vision and approach.

Nathan Carter's Art Style

Nathan Carter's artistic signature is characterized by his skill to blend various elements to create narratives that spring to life through objects, images, and titles. His work draws inspiration from diverse sources, including storytelling, surrealistic erotic illustration, cartography, celestial navigation charts, subversive music, outsider subcultures, and the history of abstraction.

His art evolves from an insatiable consumption of information, images, music, popular culture, and mass media. It also emerges from a culture of exchanging ideas and languages, accumulating shapes and colors, transcending media boundaries, and tapping into the richness of the visual world and all forms of social interaction.

Nathan Carter's art is renowned for its generous and exuberant nature. His exhibitions are frequently described as fun-filled events that encapsulate the exuberance associated with youth subcultures. At the heart of his creative output is the concept of culture's overwhelming force and the expenditure of creative energy as a gift—a post-punk gesture of generosity.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1970

  • Country:

    United States of America, New York

  • Gallery:

    Casey Kaplan