About the Artwork Mauro Restiffe

Mauro Restiffe

Mauro Restiffe, a Brazilian artist born in 1970, specializes in capturing black-and-white photographs in large formats. He focuses on various subjects such as landscapes, modernist interiors, architecture, and urban life. In addition to this, he explores the complexities of representation by reproducing existing works of art through his images.

Restiffe's series "Empossamento (Taking of Power)" (2003) is a visual narrative of the urban landscape of Brasilia, capturing a pivotal moment in Brazilian history - the inauguration of President Lula da Silva. His series "Vertigem (Vertigo)" (2009) concentrates on architectural structures. In his recent work, he has captured the frescoes painted by Fra Angelico in the friars' cells of the San Marco Monastery in Florence, which he depicts in the textured gray tones of his analog camera.

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