Marc Guiragossian

Marc Guiragossian embarked on his artistic journey at a young age, achieving remarkable success with his debut solo exhibition at the Mark Hachem Gallery in Beirut in 2016, which quickly sold out. Since then, he has showcased his works in various exhibitions and galleries worldwide. The artist currently divides his time between Berlin and London.

Marc Guiragossian's Art Style

Marc Guiragossian is a contemporary artist whose talent shines through his work, echoing the depth of painting tradition and art history while embracing the dynamic trends of modern art.

Growing up as the grandson of the esteemed neo-expressionist painter Paul Guiragossian, Marc has been immersed in art and creativity from an early age. This environment has shaped his unique style, blending the aesthetic principles and methods of influential masters like El Greco and Rembrandt with the spontaneous effects of Surrealist "automatism." His artworks are distinguished by their lively colors and energetic brushstrokes, evoking a harmonious interplay of movement and emotion.

Marc Guiragossian's creations are vibrant and abstract, with colors blending and merging seamlessly on the canvas. They exude a sense of both familiarity and innovation, effortlessly fitting into any everyday setting.

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