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Kazumi Nakamura

Kazumi Nakamura (born 1956) is a Japanese-American artist known for her intricate mixed media paintings and sculptures that explore themes of memory, identity, and cultural heritage. She received her MFA from the University of California, Berkeley, and has exhibited extensively throughout the United States and Japan since the 1980s.

Nakamura's works incorporate traditional Japanese materials, such as handmade paper and calligraphy ink, as well as modern materials like acrylic paint and resin, creating a unique blend of the traditional and the contemporary. Her works often feature intricate patterns and layers, inviting the viewer to explore the hidden depths of each piece.

Nakamura's work has been featured in numerous solo and group exhibitions, and is included in the collections of several prominent museums, including the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1956

  • Country:

    Japan, Tokyo

  • Gallery:

    Blum & Poe