About the Artwork 0 B6 F0491 5 B B4 4 A9 F 81 Ca 1 Ab F927 A17 E8

Johanna Calle

Johanna Calle, who was born in Bogotá, Colombia in 1965, currently resides and works in her hometown. Her notable exhibitions include the Hayward Gallery in London, UK (2020); Josée Bienvenu Gallery in New York, NY (2019); La Maison de l'Amérique latine in Paris (2017); Museum of Modern Art in New York (2017); Silentes 1985-2015 at the Museo de Arte del Banco de la República in Bogotá, which also traveled to the Museum Amparo in Puebla, Mexico (2015); Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain in Paris (2013); the Drawing Room in London (2013); Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts in San Francisco (2012); and San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (2011). Calle's work has been featured in various international biennials, including the Sidney Biennial (2016), the Sao Paolo Biennial (2014), SITE Santa Fe (2014), and the Istanbul Biennial (2014). Her art can also be found in permanent collections of renowned institutions such as MOMA in New York, Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, Blanton Museum in Austin, Museum of Arte Moderno in Buenos Aires, Museum of Bogota, and the National Museum of Colombia.

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